Offer applicable to new bookings only and is combinable with select offers. Please contact an Avoya Travel Celestyal Specialist to see what other offers may be combined with your desired sail date.
Savings and Free Perks are based on promotional fares and amenities at the time of publishing and are subject to change or removal at any time without notice.
Reduced Rates are per person, in U.S. dollars, vary by sailing and cabin category, apply to the 1st and 2nd guests only, are cruise only, subject to availability, and apply to select sailings only.
Complimentary Drinks offer has no cash value, is non-refundable, non-transferable, includes a variety of non-alcoholic beverages such as filter coffee, tea, water, juice, and pour sodas, and applies to select sailings only.
Select Complimentary Drinks are available at select venues and times of day only.
Complimentary Drinks do not apply in the Specialty Restaurant where only salable items are available.
Celestyal will no longer be offering the purchase of additional beverage or dining packages. In lieu of beverage and dining packages, guests will have access to CelestyalPay to purchase any non-complimentary drinks or meals while onboard select sailings.
CelestyalPay allows guests to add charges to their account as they go or pre-load their CelestyalPay wallet prior to sailing (or on the first day of the cruise) with up to €1,000 and receive up to €250 Top-Up Bonus Credit.
Up to €250 Top-Up Bonus Credit is per cabin, in Euro, varies by pre-purchase tab amount, applies to select sailings only, has no cash value, is non-refundable, and non-transferable.
Complimentary WiFi includes Free Essential WiFi which allows for web browsing, email, and select messaging apps with a daily limit of 250MB per person, applies to select sailings only, has no cash value, is non-refundable, and non-transferable.
Free Gratuities and Port Charges include the standard suggested prepaid cruise gratuities and applicable port charges amount, apply to select sailings only, have no cash value, are non-refundable, and non-transferable.
Additional amenities are available when booking a Balcony or higher cabin including an Exclusive Sailaway Party with Cocktails, Daily Turndown Treat, and more. Please contact an Avoya Travel Celestyal Specialist for more information.
Offer is capacity controlled and subject to change or removal at any time without notice.
Deposit must be made within the booking window for offer to apply.
Select pricing may not be combinable with this promotion.
Prices listed are in U.S. dollars and are cruise only, per person, based on double occupancy, and subject to availability at time of booking.
Additional restrictions may apply, please call an Avoya Travel Celestyal Specialist for more information.
Hurry, this is a limited time offer!
Prior to booking, we strongly recommend reviewing both the U.S. State Department and U.S. Centers For Disease Control travel advisories. The State Department and Centers for Disease Control provide valuable, up-to-date information on safety and health conditions, visa requirements, and other important factors that may affect your trip.